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- Documentary DVD/Blu Ray
- Hits: 5994
This is the 1999 UK (ITV) series narrated by John Thaw. (running time 3 hours). It includes original colour footage from the various countries involved in the conflict. Included is material featuring Pearl Harbour, the Battle of the Atlantic, the bombings of Hamburg and Berlin, D-Day and the fall of Berlin.
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- Documentary DVD/Blu Ray
- Hits: 6199
The Nazis: A Warning From History exposes the popular myths surrounding the rise and fall of the Third Reich. The series explores how the Nazis came to power, how they ruled, how they treated their occupied territories and above all, how a cultured nation could be responsible for such acts of inhumanity. This is the BBC / Laurence Rees production from 1997.
"Arguably one of the most important documentary series ever made, 1997's The Nazis: A Warning from History sets out to show that, far from being a uniquely German aberration, Nazism fed upon and was fostered by the prejudices and lemming-like inclinations of ordinary people. Although culminating with the atrocities of the Holocaust, these programmes are equally good on the motives of otherwise perfectly normal people, who needed only the tacit encouragement of the regime to perpetrate horrors against their enemies, their neighbours, or their own family. When confronted with evidence of their Nazi past, elderly former party members are often unable to find any other justification for their actions than simply that they could get away with it. Far from being a monolithic dictatorship which compelled the citizenry to act in rigidly prescribed ways, the Nazi state just allowed people to give their worst inclinations free reign."
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- Documentary DVD/Blu Ray
- Hits: 5410
This is the classic documentary series from the 1970s narrated by Laurence Olivier. A 26 part series with special features. Restored from the original in original screen ratio. And don't forget that haunting theme music.